Thursday, 15 October 2009

Lumiere Technology multispectral high definition digitization system for Fine Arts.

Leonardo da Vinci just became even more prolific. An analysis released in the U.K.-based Antiques Trade Gazette claims a small portrait once attributed to a 19th-century German artist was actually painted by the Italian master around the year 1500. The surprising revelation is but the latest in a series of cases in which "lost" pieces of artwork were rediscovered through art authentication. But how can experts — who have previously certified works by Caravaggio, Raphael, Van Gogh and countless others — be so sure that a specific painter is responsible for a work of art?
(10 most expensive auction items.)

Lumiere Technology a permis d'authentifier
une oeuvre de Leonard de Vinci  récemment découverte 
"Profile de la belle Princesse"

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